Product & Solution

Business Telecommunications Products and Solutions

If you want to look for a way to build or improve your business telecoms infrastructure then China Unicom Europe may have a product or solution that you could implement within your business to help to optimise your business operations. We have a wide range of business telecommunications products and services all of which are designed to make your business run as smoothly as possible. Explore our range of products and solutions below from hybrid WAN solutions through to global roaming.

We also provide South Atlantic Inter Link cables (SAIL cable) to wholesale and enterprise customers within many sectors such as energy, engineering and more. We reach a range of European countries as well as South East Asia-Middle East-West Europe 6 (SEAMEWE-6) (SMW6) and also provide Pakistan & East Africa Connecting Europe cables (PEACE cables.) Meaning that all of our customers can stay connected.

Private Leased Line (PLL)

Our Private Leased Lines can be used by businesses to connect their geographically distant offices. A private line, sometimes also called a private circuit or a data line, is exclusively available to your business and is completely private to you, meaning that you don’t have to share the connection with anyone else. This way, your business can take advantage of the full reliability of our fast upload and download speeds. See our range of private leased lines below and find out which might offer the best fit for your business:

Cloud Connection

Cloud Connectivity can be extremely useful to a variety of corporations as it allows you to create a connection between a private and public cloud system, and thanks to its affordability and efficiency it is quickly becoming a highly popular business telecommunications solution. We offer both hybrid wan solutions and software defined wan solutions. Our cloud solutions below provide you with a range of opportunities to improve your telecoms infrastructure with ease:


Internet services are now vital for high performing and successful businesses to have control over in a fast-paced modern day society. Our IPT and Peering services can ensure that you have full control over the delivery of voice and multimedia communications over Internet Protocol networks. Without dedicated internet access, you can be sure that only your business has access to your internet connection, and you don’t have to share it with anyone. See our range of internet business telecommunications products and solutions below to see how your business can benefit:

Enterprise IT Integration Solution

We have a wide range of IT Integrations solutions for businesses including security management, software development and our one-stop integration service which includes our smart desktop cloud solution and unified communications. Take a look at our product range below to see which of our services your business could benefit from:

We have a variety of examples of our products and services providing business telecommunication solutions in real life examples.

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