China Unicom's IT Integration Service

Our Products

Enterprise IT Integration Solution

China Unicom’s IT Consulting Service

  • IT planning: from corporate IT strategy to long-term & phased IT planning, enterprise IT architecture planning, IT execution plan designing
  • IT system due diligence, assessment and optimization: assist enterprises to review their IT environment and governance as well as offer improvement guideline to help them to optimize the IT performance.
  • IT project management: initiate and manger projects’ full cycle including scope, time, cost, quality, human resources, communication, risk, procurement and overall project management etc.
  • IT project compliance: including advice on local, regional and global regulations compliance such as GDPR, MiFID II etc.
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Enterprise Value Added Service

IT Outsourcing (ITO) Service

With China Unicom’s IT Outsourcing (ITO) Service, we could provide professional engineer service remotely, on-premise or in designated data centres of customers to assist with scheduled switch-off,  disastrous recovery drills, roadshows, day-on-day help desk support and IT operations & maintenance. We evaluate customers’ maintenance workload and design a tailor-made solution to meet customer’s maintenance requirements and with this service, we could free our customers from the risk and burden to manage the IT systems themselves.

We follow ITIL, the most widely recognized framework for IT services in the world and with our rich experience in IT maintenance, advanced IT management systems and engineers of various expertise in different levels. We help customers to re-plan and optimize their IT operation & maintenance organism to reduce cost, improve user experience and enhance IT management efficiency.

The life cycle of our ITO service includes set up service goals, clarify the service scope, define operation and support mode, SLA, escalation procedure and periodical assessment and reports.

Our services

Day-to-day on-site support

We help users with hardware repairing, software installation and upgrading, new IT equipment setup, desktop support, network operation troubleshooting on the customer premise.

Day-to-day Remote support

The service is accessible through telephone, email, online or social media and other means that suit the customers.

Project-based professional service

we provide flexible professional IT engineer service to assist with customer IT projects, from half-day troubleshooting to IT projects that last several months.

Benefits for customers

Control IT operation & maintenance cost and optimize IT human resource allocation.

Improve IT management efficiency and make sure customer’s IT environment is secure and up-to-date.

Rapid response, SLA guarantee and measurable services.

Better return on IT investment and boost productivity.

Easy IT management with a single point of contact

Enterprise Value Added Service

Smart IT Migration

The IT migration service refers to the process of transferring business data from one location to another during an office relocation, converting from one format to another, or moving from one application to another when introducing a new system. Our smart IT migration is a revolutionary service to assist with your digital transformation. It helps enterprises to transfer business data from on-premise infrastructure to cloud-based storage and applications with minimum business disruption and risk to make its IT environment more secure, cost-effective and hassle-free.

China Unicom is capable of a variety of data migration services

Physical Machine Migration

It includes professional IT equipment and system relocation service, helping customers to host and consolidate their IT system to professional data centres to achieve better performance, higher stability and scalability.

Data Migration and duplication

It includes transferring data from existing storage to a different one of another format, from on-premise infrastructure to cloud-based storage or between various clouds, and duplicating data from production environment to backup system. We support most mainstream manufacturers in the market such as HP, IBM/Lenovo, Netapp, Hitachi etc.

Application Migration

It includes application upgrading, under-layer platform migration and on-premise application migration to the cloud. The process of moving an application program from one environment to another.

Enterprise Value Added Service

Anti-DDOS Service

A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack is a malicious attempt to disrupt the normal traffic of a targeted server, service or network by overwhelming the target or its surrounding infrastructure with a flood of Internet traffic, which has become a growing threat to enterprises’ IT security.

Our WoCloud Anti-DDoS product is a professional service for customers with dedicated internet access including attack monitoring, protection against attacks through traffic cleaning and blocking, source of attack tracing and customized anti-attack solutions.

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