China Unicom Global

For Carrier Customer

Wholesale Business

Over the last decades, China Unicom has been focusing on the Asia Pacific wholesale market and we’re committed to delivering the best connectivity and innovative services including cross-border cloud connectivity to our wholesale customers. We’re a member of the most popular submarine cable systems such as AAE-1 and SWM 5.

With the accelerated development of China economy in recent years, the Chinese telecommunications market is full of business opportunities and as a fully licensed Tier 1 telecom operator, China Unicom could help our wholesale partners to grow their business more efficiently in the China market with our rich local market experience as well as language and cultural advantages.

Benefits in choosing China Unicom

Rich global resources of terrestrial and submarine cables accessible from widely spread POPs.

Tier 1 telecom operator and fully licensed to provide cross-border connectivity services in China.

Abundant and fully diverse backbone network and last mile in all cities in China.

Proven experience in public network maintenance and operation.

Dedicated account manager and project manager.

24*7 global NOC and proactive network monitoring.

Local compliance consulting services.

Carrier Specific Product and Solutions

Network & Resources

Our PoPs cover more than 30 countries and regions.
20+ Terrestrial Cable System, 60+ Submarine Cable Systems

Products & Services

Abundant Terrestrial and Submarine Cable Resources
business, products, network, technology & applications

Union for Partners

An initiative aiming to facilitate members for collaboration on
One-Stop Informationization Service UP Program

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