Our Products


Cloud Bond

Our Cloud Bond provides cross-cloud connection and networking solutions for large and medium-sized Internet companies and cloud service providers based on SDN technology to solve the cross-cloud communication issues of customers in different regions and network environments.

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Product Benefits

Global-China Cloud and Sites Interconnection

With abundant China local resources and global coverage, our Cloud bond service provides a direct and compliant connection to major cloud providers globally and supports global-china non-cloud sites interconnection.

Pay-on-demand, cost-effective

Flexible cloud bandwidth adjustment with daily billing to meet burst traffic demand at a reduced cost.

Prompt delivery in a blink

Our existing high bandwidth connection with multi-cloud providers to guarantee cloud connection in a blink.

Private Link to the Cloud

Our Cloud bond service uses a private network for access to the cloud instead of the internet to isolates different customer data and provides high safety and security.

High Availability & Reliability

The dual-plane structured Cloud bond network ensures high redundancy in data transmission while offers low latency and jitter. 3-levelled QoS to differentiate customer data of different importance to guarantee prioritized data flow.

Flexible Multipoint Topology

Best suit for a mix of cloud and physical sites. Supports multiple-site topology of point-to-point, star, full mesh, and hybrid networking. Network structure can be easily modified and sites can be added or removed with ease.

Applicable Scenario:
1. Physical + Cloud Node network
Access Unicom MPLS node to connect with cloud resources
2. Multi-Cloud Connectivity
Access to multiple clouds to realize cloud disaster recovery, cross-border and cross-provider cloud connection

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