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Software-Defined Wide Area Networking (SD-WAN) is a new trend for organizations to more efficiently utilize bandwidth and improve application performance on their WAN.

It combines a range of networking technologies, such as the Internet, MPLS-VPN and LTE, and uses software-defined networking (SDN) to intelligently route traffic along the best available path.

With our holistic approach to SDN, we will work with you to consult, design and implement the suitable SD-WAN solution for your business, enabling you to boost the operation agility and performance of your users

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Product Advantage

Based on Reliable Network with Wide Global coverage

Based on China Unicom lower- traffic core network combined with premium internet of China Unicom to avoid traffic congestion. Fully redundant network which is self-healing and intelligently reroute to the best available route to optimize network performance.

Hassle-free Management and Elastic scaling

Fully functional self-service platform to realize hassle-free network management and elastic scaling with automatic network configuration to meet peak demand 24/7 and improves application performance across your enterprise network and deliver better a user experience.

Easily access to Multi-cloud & SaaS

Multi-cloud connection in different regions and network environments to realize heterogeneous hybrid cloud networking.

Multiple Access Methods

Supports leased line, broadband and mobile access. Suitable as a supplementary solution to other networks.

Enhance the Use of Bandwidth

Use existing bandwidth more efficiently than traditional leased lines and reduces costs.

Cloud and SaaS Acceleration

Help customers to enjoy rapid access to content between China and the rest of the world.

Less security risk with encryption-protected transmission

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